Fourth Kalma
Fourth Kalma

Laa ilaha illal Lahoo Wahdahoo Laa Shareekalahoo Lahul Mulko Walahul Hamdo Yuhee Wa Yumeeto Wa Hoa Haiy Yul La Yamooto Abadan Abada Zul Jalal Lay Wal Ikraam Beyadihil Khair. Wa hoa Ala Kulli Shai In Qadeer.
(There is) none worthy of worship except Allah. He is only One. (There is) no partners for Him. For Him (is) the Kingdom. And for Him (is) the Praise. He gives life and accuses death. And He (is) Alive. He will not die, never, ever. Possessor of Majesty and Reverence. In His hand (is) the goodness. And He (is) the goodness. And He (is) on everything powerful.