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Dialects And Readings Of The Quran

Book Number: 025 / Hadith Number: 3986

Narated By Abu Qilabah : A man whom the Prophet (pbuh) made the following verse read informed me, or he was informed by a man whom a man made the following verse read through a man whom the Prophet (pbuh) made the following verse read: "For, that day His chastisement will be such as none (else) can be inflicted (la yu'adhdhabu).

Abu Dawud said: 'Asim, al-A'mash, Talhan b. Musarrif, Abu Ja'far Yazid b. al-Qa'qa, Shihab b. Nassah, Nafi' b. 'Abd al-Rahman, 'Abd Allah b. Kathir al-Dari, Abu 'Amr b. al-'Ala, Hamzat al-Zayyat, 'Abd al-Rahman al-A'raj, Qatadah, al-Hasan al-Basri, Mujahid, Hamid al-A'raj, Abd Allah b. 'Abbas and 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakr recited: "For, that day His chastisement will be such as none (else) can inflict (la yu'adhdhibu), and His bonds will be such as none (other) can bind (wa la yathiqu), except the verse mentioned in this tradition from the Prophet (pbuh). It has been read yu'adhdhabu with a short vowel a in a passive voice.

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