Abu Dawud
Book Number: 002 / Hadith Number: 765
Narated By 'Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin : Asim ibn Humayd said: I asked 'Aisha: By what words the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) would begin his supererogatory prayer at night?
She replied: You ask me about a thing of which no one asked me before you. When he stood up, be uttered the takbir (Allah is most great) ten times, and uttered "Praise be to Allah" ten times, and uttered "Glory be to Allah" ten times, and uttered "There is no god but Allah" ten times, and sought forgiveness ten times, and said: O Allah, forgive me, and guide me, and give me sustenance, and keep me well, and he sought refuge in Allah from the hardship of standing before Allah on the Day of Judgment.