Malik :: Book 2 : Hadith 2.8.45
Yahya related to me from Malik that Said ibn Abd ar-Rahman ibn Ruqash said, "I saw Anas ibn Malik come and squat and urinate.Then water was brought and he did wudu. He washed his face, then his arms to the elbows, and then he wiped his head and wiped over his leather socks. Then he came to the mosque and prayed."
Yahya said that Malik was asked whether a man who did wudu for prayerand then put on his leather socks, and then urinated and took them off and put them back on again, should begin wudu afresh.
Malik replied, "He should take off his socks and wash his feet. Only someone who puts on leather socks when his feet are (already) ritually purified by wudu can wipe over them. Someone who puts on leather socks when his feet are not ritually purified by wudu, should not wipe over them."
Yahya said that Malik was asked about a man who did wudu with his leather socks on and forgot to wipe over them until the water was dry and he had prayed, and he said, "He should wipe over his socks and repeat the prayer but not repeat wudu."
Malik was asked about a man who washed his feet and put on his leather socks and then started doing wudu, and he said, "He should take off his socks and do wudu and wash his feet."