Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions
Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 56 :: Hadith 685
Narrated Ribi bin Hirash:
'Uqba said to Hudhaifa, "Won't you narrate to us what you heard from Allah's Apostle ?" Hudhaifa said, "I heard him saying, 'Death approached a man and when he had no hope of surviving, he said to his family, 'When I die, gather for me much wood and build a fire (to burn me),. When the fire has eaten my flesh and reached my bones, take the bones and grind them and scatter the resulting powder in the sea on a hot (or windy) day.' (That was done.) But Allah collected his particles and asked (him), 'Why did you do so?' He replied, 'For fear of You.' So Allah forgave him."